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About Me

Angie Robinson has lived in the Katy/ Houston for several years. Born and raised in South Dakota, is where her “down to earth” attitude was built. This honesty and integrity is what she carries into her relationship with her clients in Real Estate, and her day to day life.
After entering the Real Estate Industry while living in Albuquerque, New Mexico Angie felt it the perfect time to start up her career again.
After several moves to Kuala Lumper, Paris, Toronto and state to state, has given a unique perspective in the industry. Being able to relate and understand the stress, time constraints of the expat life helps in working for all her clients needs.
Happy to be back living once again in the Katy/Houston area and able to offer this insight is Angie’s goal in the Real estate business.
Angie is a retired “chef”, and passionate dog lover/rescuer. With 4 rescued and very pampered dogs at home.
Angie also is a loving wife and mother of two grown and successful children. Her family is her pride and joy.